Tuesday, June 12, 2012

On a roll! Lets keep it going!

I was itching to run last night... ITCHING! But I thought well two days in a row my screw up my whole training this week. The reason I wanted to run.. I needed a little space....

My kids are great but as they are kids.. you don't often get a lot of time where you don't have " Mommy I want water" " Mommy come play with me" " Mommy ... Mommy .. Mommy!!!" So getting to run is a relief.. Ive come to notice that being married for 5 years and having twins.. being a PERSON outside of those titles is necessary. I haven't always thrived at that though.. So I'm committing to myself now!

The best advice I can give a new mommy is.. Don't LOSE YOU! If you loved to run before.. keep at it.. because when you stop.. it takes a huge tole on you.. self esteem changes after babies.. life completely turns upside down. So keep at YOU! If you don't, everything in your world will suffer, your marriage, your friendships, your ability to parent.

So instead of running, I threw out a comment on Twitter about needing new workouts.. I had some responses and found the Nike Training Club app. http://www.nike.com/nikeos/p/nikewomen/language_tunnel/?change
FANTASTIC!!! This app is great! The couch talks to you and tells you when to start the next exercise. It is like a bootcamp class at home on your phone! I just sync'd it to the music, moved my kids toys out of the way in the toy room and went at it!
18 minutes of the 30 minutes and I thought I was done... dead .. mommys done! So I quit at that.. However.. a few weeks ago.. I likely wouldn't have gotten that far!

Moral of the story : Don't lose yourself... Challenge yourself to new levels.. All of this will make you a better person, mommy and wife!

My Beautiful Little Girls!

1 comment:

  1. Hi there! Just found this. Great advice, and man those girls are beautiful :)
