Friday, June 22, 2012


So.. All in all.. my run training is going well. Its a struggle to get in extra cross training being so busy with a family but my runs have all be completed consistently.

Eating.. this is my issue! I didn't realize how hard this was.. I mean I do and I get it but where is the ability to make this easier.
Kids WON'T eat vegetables as a meal... nor will husbands.. So this leaves me to making two meals.. which Im getting used to but on busy tiring weeks.. You faulter and eat what they are eating. This in turn takes a toll on everything.  One week of fantastic runs may get you further down the road.. but your not losing any fat.
I've been using MyPlate app to keep up on my food tracking, but even missing a day can take a toll on your body....

So whats the solution? I can only drink so many shakes. I found a great one but frick who loves milkshakes that much?!?? UGH! Im frustrated with this part of my world.. I like carbs.. but have cut alot of those out.. I rarely drink..

I guess I have to take another hour of my day and regiment myself. I find it so restricting to plan your days worth of food and only limit yourself to that.

Is there any solution to how to enjoy your food, not always eat salad and not count every calorie 24 hours a day when your tired, busy and working at it all?


  1. Amanda, I found that if I used a salad plate, I'd always be just fine with that portion. Also, when eating rice, pasta or other high calorie foods, I'd use a measuring cup ALWAYS. Then I could have say a cheesy risotto, but only 1/2 a cup of it. Then LOAD up on salad and veggies, which you can eat as much as you want of. Same with fats; I always measured my butter, sour cream, mayo etc and weighed my cheese. I did that for 4 months until I gained a really good handle on what these things look like without having to go through the bother. I also axed sugar. Mostly. I kept one day a week where I would eat whatever I wanted for a few months, but I find now I don't want to do that. My body and my mind has completely changed. Anyway, I'm sure you know all of this, but I just reached my goal weight two days ago and I feel REALLY good and wanted to share my success with you :)

  2. Thanks Tari! Congrats on hitting your weight goal! I need to really start paying more attention! I binge while away and then eat well all week.. I think thats my issue is it doesnt even out.. it just makes it worse! UGh! Thankfully the running helps me not gain insane amounts.. but its not enough!
