Saturday, February 23, 2013

February's Heart Month!

I worked as an Emergency Medical Technician for 8 years and Heart disease/conditions were 75% of what I dealt with. From chest pain to full myocardial infractions to transfers for angioplast appointments. The patients I worked with often had high blood pressure or high cholesterol amongst other conditions of bad diets, unhealthy weights and little to no physical activity. A lot of my father's family has heart conditions of high blood pressure and high cholesterol. So I definitely take such conditions seriously.

The Canadian Heart and Stroke website is full of wonderful information about Heart Disease.


What is heart disease?

It is a group of conditions affecting the structure and functions of the heart and had many root causes. i.e.) plaque (fatty materials, calcium and scar tissue) builds up in the arteries and prevents the heart from getting enough blood.

Prevention includes:

- being smoke free
- eating a healthy low fat diet with many leafy greens (like algae!!! Yes I said it!)
- know and control your blood pressure
-achieve and maintain a healthy weight
- manage your diabetes
- reduce stress
- visit your doctor regularly and follow their advice

How am I keeping heart healthy??

Well this is a constant work for everyone!! I try to eat a diet full of vegetables, fruit, healthy fat proteins and try not to indulge in all the heavy fat foods!

One of the best snacks you can have on you is Energy Bits, 100% spirulina algae grown organically and are an all natural sources of food for your body. There is no sugar, cholesterol, or fat in this product so every bit that you eat..... Is good for your body and therefore a perfect snack for your heart. Eating meats and salads can be quite a hassle at times like when your running between meetings, kids soccer games or during a marathon... so let's keep those to meals not on the go snacks. However Energy Bits is an nitrogen based algae that opens up your blood vessel that allows continual oxygen and nourishment supplied to your body. It also contains 64% protein within its minimum 12 bits of algae. So all in all... Eating Energy Bits on the go not only is way easier than a steak and salad when your in the car... It also has numerous health benefits and is very heart healthy!!!

So in light of February's Heart Month I would like to team up with Energy Bits ( to give away a free sample of Energy Bits!! All you have to do is follow myself (@adenium11) and EnergyBits (@energybits) on twitter and comment below how you try stay heart healthy!
(Draw will be done February 28)
Also, please give Canada Heart and Stroke a follow on twitter (@TheHSF) great people giving great information!



  1. I stay heart healthy by running, and eating nutritious foods!

  2. I stay heart healthy by running and eating real and whole foods
