Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Running to my 10km

Life has been hectic! I keep thinking I MUST blog! I have been trying some new things, falling off the nutrition wagon.. fixing that wagon to get back on.. and then eating some chip..

However my training is on track to a point.. My dear hubby is only on call or works late a few times every 6 weeks. Last week was one of them. We all as a family did our best to keep pushing through but by Sunday we were all exhausted, house was a mess, I wanted and needed a long run and the kids missed their dad like no ones business. I missed him as well, but needed to clear my head during my run so I could realize he was home again.

For the first time ever on April 28th, I ran MORE than 5 kms in a session. I went 6.01 kms and seriously at one point.. thought I was going to die! I ran it at a 9.25 min/km pace, at one point I had to climb through snow, run through ankle deep water and stomp through mud. I remember my legs burning so bad I couldn't even handle it, I was breathing so hard and was on the brink of death.

I do have to say once I fell into the house, onto the couch and laid down.. I was amazed. I then had a 2 hour nap...
OK so not running during the insanity of winter we had.. has taken a toll and my HIIT did not condition me enough. Well, things have changed. I have been going out for 1-2 short runs a week on top of 2 days of HIIT at the gym. I may not be FASTER yet.. but My body is getting more conditioned. I completed my first EVER 7 km run yesterday. I started out at a 8.24 min/km pace and had to keep telling myself slow the heck down you will never finish this!
My view was wonderful, the temperature got increasingly warm with the beautiful sun and I was stripping clothes off. The only things that could have been better was my warm up ( I need to work on this) and my path. I didn't mark out my run properly and ended up running in circles a bit to finish up. ( this is extremely boring)

My favourite park in the world! When I ran in university being able to run 7 kms and this as my sites was a goal, I finally obtained!

The other great things in my world have been shopping for new clothes in a size 16 only!! Nothing in a 18 is fitting anymore, how wonderful! I have a ton of it packed up to sell and donate!

New summer dress! Finally loving to show some leg. There's finally some definition!

And most of all.. enjoying time out with my family! I am the first to pack up to go, and get involved! I love this! The Science Park was such a blast!

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