Sunday, March 17, 2013

Being a Mommy... Healthy Wife and Family!

I have found the last year has been a great challenge, I'm married and have twin 4 year olds.. trying to nurture these relationships, do everything we all must do to sustain a household along with keep every one's activities on par... is TIRING! Then I decide to finally work on myself... 1 year later I am still struggling to do all of it.

I have given myself numerous pep talks, allowing myself to understand that this journey to fit and healthy along with fat loss is not going to take one year alone when you have a family.. a busy one at that!

However, one year later I notice the differences in all of my family members. My husband is very supportive and assisting when I need to get to the gym. In fact, today he set up my treadmill while I napped to ensure I got some running in today. ( It is blizzarding here AGAIN!) If I want to get running a 10km, I had better start somewhere since Spring is nowhere to be found. He is also very conscience of what food he brings into the house, what he buys at the store and talking me out of ordering appetizers at midnight when not needed! Its very valuable to have a partner who supports, motivates you and assists you in your change.

My one daughter begged to stay downstairs with me while I ran, she stood close to the treadmill, made sure my water was full and even ran for a sweat towel. I'm battling a cold and was really struggling and was giving up after 10 minutes when I heard from the McQueen Cars tent " Go Mommy Go! Go Mommy Go!" so I battled my way through some more running and walked 25 minutes. I find treadmill running DREADFUL! But I need to get to it. So even 10 minutes of running is a feat for me!

Not long after I was done, I was trying to work out my calorie burnt numbers when my daughters come down to tell me they need to exercise and they have their runners on to go ! Both of my girls hopped on the treadmill and took their turns! Holding on.. walking hard and talking about how exercise is so important! They made my day!!

Here is my youngest twin doing her work out! She did 10 minutes on the treadmill and I had to beg her to take a break! Her and her sister have gotten a Yoga DVD as well and LOVE to work out in the basement to that!

The greatest change over the last year is the view of myself through the eyes of my children! I can do ANYTHING! I may not be able to run 5 kms in 25 minutes.. I may not be able to run 10 kms yet.. however to Hydie and Ainsley I am a marathon runner and off to the Olympics!! Every cheer from my children and Husband allow me to continue. I have went from only being able to run 1 minute at a time.. to constantly run 5 kms. I have went from doing body weight squats to squatting 135 lbs on a barbell, 100 lbs bench presses and deadlifting 115 lbs as well. I have dropped 2 dress sizes and see shape in my body.. and most of all... I have taught my family that having snacks of cheese, fruit and eating salad is our better options. In fact, I tried to give Hydie a treat of chips the other day and she had a meltdown demanding strawberries.

 Ainsley helping me make scrambled eggs!
Hydie loves her shakes! And now asks for @EnergyBits to be thrown in!
 Ainsley doing her yoga! This kid can pull off a tree pose like no ones business!

How has your life change included your family?!


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