This was my first ever scheduled race! I had signed up for this in June to keep myself training at my running. I figured it was the best motivation.. no refund to be given if you couldn't make it.. I can't just waste money like that !!
I've been running since May in hopes to finish a 5 km program. It's all I wanted.. was just to run 5 km's, through sweat and tears I made it!
Saturday morning the Regina Road Racer's held their fall Flatlanders Race. Over 600 people were registered in one of the 3 race lengths - half marathon, 10 km or 5 km. It was intense! The amount of people all dressed to run, all athletic the age differences it was a insane atmosphere! I was nervous as hell!!
Rewind back to Thursday now...
Ok I need to run 5 km again.. I haven't ran it since August 28th and I felt horrible about that run even if I completed it. So gear on.. shoes laced out I went. I walked my 5 minute warm up and then I started to run. I was going to run all of this and complete it! Ok.. 2.5 kms done and I need to walk a little.. no big deal... 3 kms done.. and I'm powering down. So I walk hard and fast.. run here and there .. 3.5kms done and I need to finish this hard.. So I start RUNNING HARD! I'm completely out of breathe pushing as hard as I can get..Well this is rough... so I had to stop and slow down.. walk a little bit.. then Run and walk Run and walk. However... I COMPLETED IT! Sweaty out of breath and my time.. here it is ( Remember the first 5 km was 53 + minutes) 47:10 ! That's right! I dropped my time and had energy to sprint at the end!
Ok so now its Saturday morning again..... I warmed up stretched... listened to the Canadian anthem. Getting a tad nervous!!
Here are the 10 km and 1/2 marathoners getting ready to run at 9:30 am. about 500 of them! Insane!
The 5 km runners started 10 minutes after everyone as it was a turn around race. As you can see in the lower picture we would cross paths of the 10 kms to turn around so this way we had extra time to do it without getting in everyone else's way.
I started out the race running.. slowly but running. So obviously I had a ton of people passing me... whatever go do your thing.. I'm doing mine! I get through the brush and leaves and onto the trail. The best part of this whole run is that the trail goes right by my University. What a gorgeous view we had as well!

The trail was paved but very uneven and rather cracked so I paid extra attention to making sure I didn't go over on my ankle or trip. I made it to the 1 km mark and the volunteer Marshall was cheering me on and taking my picture. It was a great boost! I continued on my way.. the 2nd km marker was coming up with a hydration station. There were volunteers handing out Gatorade and water cheering us on with bells! It was enthralling!! The turn around point was at about 2.75 km into the race. It was excellent! I was meeting up with the beginning 10 km crew who were on their way back and were all very positive.. Ok most.. some of them were running so hard they couldn't even talk. GOOD ON THEM! They did awesome!
I had to do a little walking between 3.5 and 4.5 but at the 4 km mark.. I looked and my pace was still at 8.34 or so minutes per kilometre. And I had completed 4 kms at 35 minutes.. OK ! WOW! Lets get moving! This was a huge motivational site for me! I knew I had to get my butt moving to keep my time under 50 minutes at this point!
I started to bust it out.. run hard when I was going and walk hard at the moments I needed the break. So I knew that in about 8-9 minutes I would be done and I just needed to push through... at this point two of my left toes were completely numb and my calves felt like they were so tight I shouldn't be moving. But I couldn't stop to stretch at this point. I got to the street where I needed to cross before hitting the track again. I had to run the North side of the track to get to the finish line and I WAS NOT WALKING THIS!!! I knew my family would be at the finish line so I knew I NEEDED to run hard to get there. I round the last corner of the track before I started to sprint into the finish line, there's kids and families everywhere.. I'm almost at tears knowing that my little girls are likely close by.. I am getting there.. hard and noticed that the clock said 53:32 at the time ( minus 10 minutes as we started later.. holy cow I broke my record of 47 minutes!!) as I cross the finish line I hear my name over the loud speakers and I have a volunteer put my medal around my neck and all the positive " way to go you did awesome"....
As I leave the track I'm wandering around SO proud of myself.. and am wondering where the heck my kids are.. So I text my DH and they are just getting there... Oh my did my heart break. My kids , husband and brother were to late to see me race over the finish line and hear my name being called or see me getting my medal. I was just defeated right there.. No matter the time my race was.. this point broke me :(
But you suck it up! I kicked my personal best out of the water!!! I ran 95% of the race without walking and had a excellent for me time!
It's amazing how no matter your time or success the missing support of your family at that moment can diminish and defeat that all. However, I kept my composure and just went on with my day. Smiling and proud as one can be! My husband wont miss the end of another race.. I can guarantee that. I'm sure the look on my face when I did see them was enough for the family to realize this was INSANELY important to me and for all of us.
I haven't decided on what run I will race next. But I do believe me and the children will be doing the 1 km Jingle Bell for Arthritis run!
Get up off the couch and get moving.. its worth it!