Monday, December 31, 2012

2013 Goals

I have never written down my goals for the following year before and its about time I do this!
In September I declared I wanted to commit to the following:
- Meal plan
- Fitness Plan
- Burn the fat - lose 50 lbs or get to a size 12
- Run a 10 km by May 2013
Well .. I am slowly working at these. Tailoring as I go and working within my lifestyle which as a busy mom and wife .. is CRAZY hard!
Currently I am hitting the gym again ( took a sabbatical with the crazy life we were leading in November/December which shouldn't have ever happened) 2x a week. I have changed up my workout plan for the off season to keep me going with weight loss but not directly working at the 10 km at the moment. I am running once a week but not pressuring myself with this cold.
For 2013 I plan on :
- continuing to eat healthy , clean and work towards getting fit, trim and into that size 12
- Run a 10 km race!
- Drop my 5 km time below 40 minutes
- be happy in a bathing suit while on holidays with my family!
- treat myself to a tattoo... to assist my mourning of my grandfather..almost 6 years and I cannot figure this out yet. For someone who is a problems solver this is hard.
Best wishes to all of you in the New Year with all of your goals! Don't set yourself up with hills you can vault over.. nor mountains to high to climb.. find the balance of achieving and understanding you may not get there but the mountain is low enough to climb most of the way up!
Happy New Years! 

Friday, December 28, 2012

Fitness Apps/Sites - Motivating?!

As we all know.. the bandwagons have continued into the mobile and social networking worlds for fitness, diet and nutrition. Well because I've tried everything on earth it seems I thought a blog about my experiences would be a good idea!

Fitocracy (

This site also has a mobile app for iPhones and iPads. The best part of this app is you can see your progress from your last work out and see your personal records at the touch of a button. I also enjoy being able to see what my work out last time was and being able to log my work out while at the gym.

Motivating aspects:
- you get points for each exercises, the social networking aspect is very motivating ( props from other members, forums) and for those of us who like success you Level up with every so many points.
- you also receive awards for things like - Running 100 miles in your life - lifting a percentage of your body weight.
- lots of supportive forums for all types of things from local to being into tattoos or running!
- very user friendly - posts to facebook and twitter as well if you enjoy those options.

Spark People (

Online website with mobile app to upload food and see menus. I didn't like this site as much as I had hoped. It's very full, a lot of forums and user friendly is one thing it isn't. if you have a lot of time on your hands it's a good thing. However, I don't! I like quick easy and a lot of foods to search from over inputting my own. (which is something I had to do often) I did not use this site often it just seemed to overwhelming.

Motivating aspects:
- virtual races! This I loved!! you can sign up in a specific forum where weekly you can sign  up to run or walk 5 km on your own then track your time. I only did this for two weeks but I thought it was a really cool feature.

My Fitness Pal (

I saw a lot of posting on Twitter about this app from numerous tweeps. One of the Fitness centres also recommends their clients us it here as well, I assume so they can assist with motivation by looking at clients daily diaries. Which is a great idea!
I loaded it on my iPhone and the user friendliness of this app is through the roof! I wasn't tracking my food because I often forget and get stressed/pressured when I count calories. However, this app doesn't seem to make me feel that way. It syncs automatically online, so if I load my meals from the laptop it immediately shows up on my phone. The best part of the App.. it houses all the local grocery store foods I eat! EASY PEASY!!

Motivating Aspects:
- online forums to discuss all different types of things - running, motivation, workouts, being a mommy etc.
- you add friends ( I'm still new and cant figure out how to add people or find people I know) but you can converse with people via inbox messages, post statuses. All of these are very motivating to keep yourself going and remembering to check in.
- the food log is fantastic! LOVE This ! Best food log I have ever used! Lots of local grocery store brands on there and just very user friendly.

Nike + Running App  (

This is my FAVORITE running app! It is very user friendly doesn't require that ridiculous shoe coin that if you don't have Nike runners is a pain in the foot literally. The GPS on here is wonderful! I love being able to see my fastest points of my run and the length of it all. It also tracks how many kms/miles you've put on in total for runs, how many you have put on your current shoes and your fastest miles. It also syncs music for you and allows you to have a "power song" which is great when you start to feel the slow down. There are more abilities to this app and if you're a runner this is the best iPhone running app out there!

Motivating aspects:
- cheer team talks to you when you complete your run or your fastest mile
- tracks where you have gone and how long it takes you on a physical map
- tracks your paces and how that's changed over time.

I could likely talk about a few more app's but these are some of the popular ones that I have fallen upon. I am sure I have used others but I don't have an attention span for things that aren't user friendly or motivating!

Hope this serves you well!

Tuesday, December 18, 2012


Ok.. YES! I get it. I haven't blogged in awhile... well nor have I kept up with my lifestyle change either. Thankfully, I have implemented enough tools in my day to day life that the headaches and stresses of the GO GO GO life I've been running has not completely sabotaged my success.

I have tried to keep to my Intermittent Fasting and eating mostly protein for the AM hours up till lunch. It's usually after supper where things go bad. I have been on the road almost one -two days a week for work, if I haven't been... Its been on the road in the city for meetings. My hubby has been working a TON as well so life just has been busy!

This week I vow to track all my food on Fitness Pal and hit the gym x2!

Success :

I rarely buy dresses never mind shop at Addition Elle. But I have a wedding to attend on Saturday and online shopped for a dress. I found a dress at Addition Elle and went to try it on... SIZE 14 I GOT INTO A SIZE 14!! I have NEVER gotten into this size! The last time I shopped at Addition Elle it was for size 20 jeans because I couldn't find them elsewhere! I will post a picture next week with a new blog post!

Happy Holidays!

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

The Whirlwind of Life being a Mommy, Wife , Professional and Hopefully Athlete!: Ladies... Lift the WEIGHTS!

The Whirlwind of Life being a Mommy, Wife , Professional and Hopefully Athlete!: Ladies... Lift the WEIGHTS!: I have been spending a ton of time at the gym in the last few months and even prior to this noticed that the ladies in the gym rarely moved ...

Ladies... Lift the WEIGHTS!

I have been spending a ton of time at the gym in the last few months and even prior to this noticed that the ladies in the gym rarely moved off the cardio machines.... So here they are on the elipitcal or bikes going as HARD as they can sweating all over the place. I noticed there's been one person I see often at the gym... I cant comment on her goals or why she is at the gym however I can comment on the fact that I havent seen a change in her body since March. Maybe she doesn't want to change but seems to me if your going to the gym 3-4 days a week and spending up to an hour on an elipitcal... your looking for some results.

Over the years I've been involved with a few trainers. Most of them prepped me with work outs such as this:

A lot of dumbbells, lots of reps and not a lot of actual weight. I have NEVER see a lot of change in my body from this. I remember in high school I went to the gym which a competitive body builder ran. He never ever said to train this way... we bench pressed.. we squated.. we leg pressed and it was a THRILL to be able to put a new plate on the bar the next work out.

I noticed that my body hadn't changed from all the cardio and light weight work outs I was putting in for the last 8 months. The only time I saw real change was in the progress of my runs (which was very limited as well) and when I cut out carbohydrates completely. Well we all know how hard this task is.. and that its not overly healthy.  

I met with Riley from and discussed with him the issues I was facing. I needed a life style meal plan, one that fit with life was easy to work with and didn't uproot my whole family. I needed to continue my 3 runs a week and hit the gym for more. Ok Riley seemed to know exactly what I needed.
When I got my routine from Riley I noticed I would be spending a TON of time in what I call the "Man Zone" of the gym. I do power cleans ( yeah like those insanely large muscled olympians) tons of squats ( which now I'm squating weights over 75 lbs I need a assisted squat rack to work out on ) and box jumps ( trust me.. they suck! but man do they work!!)

Since I started this in August, I have dropped over 10 minutes off my 5 km run time, dropped 10 lbs, 11 inches on my body overall and am squating 3.2 x the amount I started at.....

Ladies... get into the "man zone" as hairdresser would say ( she's a competitive fitness model) just because you train like a man .. doesn't mean you will look like a man! We do not have testosterone and therefore will not "bulk" up.. we will however burn a ton of fat... tone and make those muscles look AMAZING! And slim down like you wouldn't believe. I may have only lost 10 lbs .. but my old tight pants.. now are so big even a belt holding them up makes them look ridiculous.

Ladies Trust me on this.. if you want results... LIFT THE WEIGHTS!

Thursday, October 25, 2012

The Whirlwind of Life being a Mommy, Wife , Professional and Hopefully Athlete!: Motivation.. Lacking and Surpassing!

The Whirlwind of Life being a Mommy, Wife , Professional and Hopefully Athlete!: Motivation.. Lacking and Surpassing!: On this briskly cold morning I sit back with my coffee reflecting on my progress. I have had a lack of motivation the last two weeks after m...

Motivation.. Lacking and Surpassing!

On this briskly cold morning I sit back with my coffee reflecting on my progress. I have had a lack of motivation the last two weeks after my travel and am working quite hard at pulling myself back up this week into the forward motion. Thankfully, I was aware enough of my body and self that when I started to feel like sleeping was way more important than proper eating I started to talk about my lack of motivation. I re framed my thinking, gave myself permission to taking that time off and noted that it is ok to eat how you want sometimes as long as its sometimes!

I was at the gym on Tuesday afternoon and have been noticing a lot more "beef cakes" in the gym at the time I frequent. This can be ok.. but usually tends to be a pain because they often are using EVERY machine and weight in the area. I go to a YMCA so there is alot of room however I don't have friends that I work out with. I enjoy that though... Gym time is ME time not time to chit chat or gossip. But time to sweat, push and get myself going! I am starting to bench over 75 lbs and am concerned I didn't have a spotter and would hurt myself. Its a great joy to see how much weight one can press... especially if theres a man close by who cant do the same!!! I was tipped off to use a assisted squat rack to do my bench press too.. well hell what a grand idea!! So I moved quickly through my warm up and foam rolling when I saw the "beef cakes" so I could grab that machine!
Set myself up with 75 lbs on my press and my 35 lb dumbbells for my row super set. WOOT! 75 lbs that's easy! I love it!!! I love love how I see the change every time I am at the gym.. So I put on another few plates to get myself benching 80 lbs. Thank goodness for the assisted squat rack that's a tad heavy! But pushed through it! I increased all my weight this work out and got through my box jumps with ease. Still not ready to get the box height higher than 10" yet but I'm getting there!

Goals for the next few months

- Bench press 90 lbs by December 1st
- Squat 125 lbs by January 1st/13
- Run 7 kms by January 1st/12
- Get my 5 km run under 40:00 mins

Time and time again.. pushing through the first work out after a few weeks of down time is the HARDEST thing to do.. But as you can see above... The progress continues and proves to you that you have worked hard the past few months and its worth the continue!

Every day I see the following quote on my computer screen and it continues to stand true.

" It is not EASY, but its worth it. Now repeat that every day"

Also, find some blogs that inspire you. Here are a few of my favorites:

Please take a look and follow! Wonderful people on a quest for health and fitness!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012


I once read a blog (or numerous times) about not weighing myself.. Well now you know us women do covet a scale, it's like a piece of our world that validates who we are.This has been embedded in us from the point of entering junior high school and seems to be something that continues for years and years to come. We are always focused on that number.. how it makes us who we are. Even if we went to Scales Anonymous.. we would lie about the number there and go as far as saying we didn't step on a scale in the last week when we all know....We jumped on it at the gym.. or at our friends house in their bathroom.

In the last six weeks, the scale only shows I am down 8 lbs. Ok that's bizarre. I work out at the gym 1-2 days a week ( dependent on travel for work) and hit the trails running 2-3 days a week. I noticed that my size 20 jeans are way to big within an hour of wearing, my size 18 dress pants are all really baggy and my tight XL shirts are actually looking much better and not like I have had to pour myself into them.

So I'm down a total of 17 lbs ( and at the top of those 17 lbs I was barely fitting into my size 18 pants) and my scale has barely moved with the change to nutrition and increase to activity. However, I haven't fit comfortably into a size 16 since I before I was pregnant with my twins. I bought myself the first time ever a size 16 denim skirt and it fits fantastically! I also got myself into one of my favorite pairs of size 16 dress pants. One more inch to go and the other pair of size 16 pants will also fit me quite well.

6 weeks.. total of 17 lbs down in the year 2012 and into my size 16 pants.. When I got pregnant I was 15 lbs lighter than I am now, not near as active or strong and in the same pants I wear now.

Don't throw out your scale that will drive you nuts.. but measure your body for inches changed..measure your progress in a diary.. by increasing the weight at the gym and finding that running most of a 5 km without walking isn't as killer are previously... THOSE are the things that shows your change.. Not the scale!

Monday, October 1, 2012

Road Race!

This was my first ever scheduled race! I had signed up for this in June to keep myself training at my running. I figured it was the best motivation.. no refund to be given if you couldn't make it.. I can't just waste money like that !!

I've been running since May in hopes to finish a 5 km program. It's all I wanted.. was just to run 5 km's, through sweat and tears I made it!

Saturday morning the Regina Road Racer's held their fall Flatlanders Race. Over 600 people were registered in one of the 3 race lengths  - half marathon, 10 km or 5 km. It was intense! The amount of people all dressed to run, all athletic the age differences it was a insane atmosphere! I was nervous as hell!!

Rewind back to Thursday now...

Ok I need to run 5 km again.. I haven't ran it since August 28th and I felt horrible about that run even if I completed it. So gear on.. shoes laced out I went. I walked my 5 minute warm up and then I started to run. I was going to run all of this and complete it! Ok.. 2.5 kms done and I need to walk a little.. no big deal... 3 kms done.. and I'm powering down. So I walk hard and fast.. run here and there .. 3.5kms done and I need to finish this hard.. So I start RUNNING HARD! I'm completely out of breathe pushing as hard as I can get..Well this is rough... so I had to stop and slow down.. walk a little bit.. then Run and walk Run and walk. However... I COMPLETED IT! Sweaty out of breath and my time.. here it is ( Remember the first 5 km was 53 + minutes) 47:10 ! That's right! I dropped my time and had energy to sprint at the end!

Ok so now its Saturday morning again..... I warmed up stretched... listened to the Canadian anthem. Getting a tad nervous!!

Here are the 10 km and 1/2 marathoners getting ready to run at 9:30 am. about 500 of them! Insane!

The 5 km runners started 10 minutes after everyone as it was a turn around race. As you can see in the lower picture we would cross paths of the 10 kms to turn around so this way we had extra time to do it without getting in everyone else's way.
I started out the race running.. slowly but running. So obviously I had a ton of people passing me... whatever go do your thing.. I'm doing mine! I get through the brush and leaves and onto the trail. The best part of this whole run is that the trail goes right by my University. What a gorgeous view we had as well!
The trail was paved but very uneven and rather cracked so I paid extra attention to making sure I didn't go over on my ankle or trip. I made it to the 1  km mark and the volunteer Marshall was cheering me on and taking my picture. It was a great boost! I continued on my way.. the 2nd km marker was coming up with a hydration station. There were volunteers handing out Gatorade and water cheering us on with bells! It was enthralling!! The turn around point was at about 2.75 km into the race. It was excellent! I was meeting up with the beginning 10 km crew who were on their way back and were all very positive.. Ok most.. some of them were running so hard they couldn't even talk. GOOD ON THEM! They did awesome!
I had to do a little walking between 3.5 and 4.5 but at the 4 km mark.. I looked and my pace was still at 8.34 or so minutes per kilometre. And I had completed 4 kms at 35 minutes.. OK ! WOW! Lets get moving! This was a huge motivational site for me! I knew I had to get my butt moving to keep my time under 50 minutes at this point!
I started to bust it out.. run hard when I was going and walk hard at the moments I needed the break. So I knew that in about 8-9 minutes I would be done and I just needed to push through... at this point two of my left toes were completely numb and my calves felt like they were so tight I shouldn't be moving. But I couldn't stop to stretch at this point. I got to the street where I needed to cross before hitting the track again. I had to run the North side of the track to get to the finish line and I WAS NOT WALKING THIS!!! I knew my family would be at the finish line so I knew I NEEDED to run hard to get there. I round the last corner of the track before I started to sprint into the finish line, there's kids and families everywhere.. I'm almost at tears knowing that my little girls are likely close by.. I am getting there.. hard and noticed that the clock said 53:32 at the time ( minus 10 minutes as we started later.. holy cow I broke my record of 47 minutes!!) as I cross the finish line I hear my name over the loud speakers and I have a volunteer put my medal around my neck and all the positive " way to go you did awesome"....
As I leave the track I'm wandering around SO proud of myself.. and am wondering where the heck my kids are.. So I text my DH and they are just getting there... Oh my did my heart break. My kids , husband and brother were to late to see me race over the finish line and hear my name being called or see me getting my medal. I was just defeated right there.. No matter the time my race was.. this point broke me :(
But you suck it up! I kicked my personal best out of the water!!! I ran 95% of the race without walking and had a excellent for me time!
It's amazing how no matter your time or success the missing support of your family at that moment can diminish and defeat that all. However, I kept my composure and just went on with my day. Smiling and proud as one can be! My husband wont miss the end of another race.. I can guarantee that. I'm sure the look on my face when I did see them was enough for the family to realize this was INSANELY important to me and for all of us.
I haven't decided on what run I will race next. But I do believe me and the children will be doing the 1 km Jingle Bell for Arthritis run!
Get up off the couch and get moving.. its worth it!

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Change.. the ultimate battle!

I have found a niche! It's working well for me and doesn't cause me a ton of headache. With the new nutrition plan in hand and the rules in mind.. I've lost 8 lbs in 3 weeks. This is the kick start I needed. I knew that I could not eat as many carbs as I was and continue to think I would slim down. I cut a lot of carbs back in February and proceeded to drop 17 lbs.. summer came and life got comfortable.. and I gained 8 lbs back. Thankfully with this new plan .. THOSE 8 LBS ARE GONE!!

It's not just that easy though.. you can't just expect to change your eating and be successful. You need to change your mind. I refuse to start another diet.. I've tried them all.. I've been obsessive over counting calories and not eating potatoes.. I QUIT!! I absolute throw my towel in. I want to be healthy, eat proper and enjoy life! I cannot do this if I am continually worried about my 'diet'. So I quit it.. I'm not going to prove to you I can lose 100 lbs on weight watchers.. or 58 inches on Herbal Magic...

I am going to prove to you all.. That with a healthy nutrition guide working out 3-5 days a week I can get into a size 12 if not smaller!

Here is me at a size 16-18 at the gym on September 20/12.

I will not feed you any bullshit about " Oh PGX changed my life" because it wont.. The only thing that will is you! You need to focus on good healthy eating.. and exercise.
Goals.. find one! If your not a runner.. don't become one to get fit.. Do it because you wanna be a runner.. How about being able to make it through an entire spin class.. or get through zumba twice a week. Cardio isn't everything and you need to provide exercise to those muscles as well. So don't be afraid of the gym.. or some small free weights! It's good for your muscle. Every year after we turn 30 our muscle mass decreases.. this is not good for you obviously!
Here it is.. CHANGE!


AND BRAG!! Tell everyone you know.. hell tell everyone.. even if you don't know them! Tweet.. facebook update your status.. BLOG! Text everyone in your contacts about your progress..all it takes is a few " good jobs" "keep up the great work" to get your off your ass and to gym after a long day!

Find those supports.. and brag! They are there to listen.. Use them!

Good luck!!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Planning, Preparing and Executing!

So for the last 10 days I have been working really hard to plan my meals, my work and home schedule along with preparing all the food the night before. I tell you.. when you get up at 6:30 am work, have kids and a husband as well as the household chores, meals, teddy bear hunts etc.....making meals for tomorrow is the LAST thing I want to do after bedtime...... But 10 days later and a weekend away.I have managed to follow the rules my Trainer gave me and now the nutrition plan! 10 days of success!

I know its only 10 days..but after a 14 hour day raising a family I am very very PROUD!!

Today was an exceptional day.. it was my first full day of my nutrition plan. I started the day out at 6:30 am but breakfast for me now isn't until 9am.This was a HUGE feat for me to make it through without wanting to eat everything in sight! Of course my first day included me eating my yogurt at a seminar...and having  the willpower not to eat the pastries they offered YUCK!

I got home for lunch and COULD not get my food fast enough! I had SO much food that I needed 2 plates to fit it all on.

Chicken Breast, 3 cups of spinach and romaine and 1cup of broccoli

 I had a snack before and after my workout which made getting to supper much easier!!

Since it was a weight lift day.. I got FUN carbs.. so that includes pancakes or waffles,pizza or potatoes.

However,It is REALLY strange eating 3 cups of vegetables with pancakes....

Tonight was my treat night I decided not to stray to far so I brought home Frozen Greek Yogurt...WOW!!!Fantastic! I am pretty in love with this.... I may never have ice cream again!

Hope you are all well out there and living healthy!

Friday, September 14, 2012

The patience of a runnin' mommy!

My mom has been laid up in the hospital since last Sunday, her left leg and lower back must have some nerve issues. However small town doctors aren't to concerned to fix it.... Me an my girls decided to come home to the farm so Mom/Nana could come home and we would take care of her.

I got to the gym yesterday and did the new program my trainer did up for me. I quite enjoyed it! Challenging yet simple exercises and quick! I love getting in and out of the gym in 45 minutes. I packed most of my workout run gear (forgot proper tops) but shoes shorts and water bottle packed!

Today after my girls nap we decided to head out for my Friday run. My 5 km said to warm up 5 mins run straight for 25 and then cool down. Ok let's do it!!

My kids got on their John Deere gator and off we went!

So I start running and think to myself... Gravel road.. Handicap! And holy crap this gator is slooooow! I can't be runnin anymore then 2.5 mph. Ok easy slow jog I'll be ok.

Mommy had her water girl and we had a stuff puppy! Well a kilometer in we are at a 13:36 min km pace... Uhh what?! Holy that's almost 5 minutes slower than my last run...

Ok half way through and we have barely gotten 1.56 Kms... Ok that ok I had to stop, keep kids focused that's what mommas do ....

We turn around and are on our way back. My water girl has decided she wants to run ok I'll slow down haha I didnt think I could get any slower!

Well papa (grandpa) shows up and my water girl has now jumped ship and is in the farm truck while the gator driver is crying so hard she can't see the road.... So she drives over my foot :(

I've had some tightness and discomfort in my left foot at the arch and my daughter drive right up and over that area... Mommy hobbles home.

We finished tears, arguments and some cheering...

Mommy's sacrifice their bodies to grow their babies.. Unfortunately our babies don't understand how hard it is to get back.

But when I looked over to see these cuties as my run partners.... I can't help but smile!!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

I Declare....

I figure that if I want to be held accountable.. blogging about my goals is where I need to start. ( I know..I'm sure this is where I'll make it work -- please note the sarcasm)

I'm 30 years old.. I've had my family and now its time to get working on the body. I've been between a size 16 and 20 my whole adult life, no matter what. This is fine.. but it's not the healthiest. Before I had the girls I got down to a small 16 and into some 14's and DID I EVER FEEL wonderful!!

But now.. I'm done.. I currently sit at a size 18 and I don't want this to be my adult life average. I want to be healthy, fit, and curvy.. I am working myself down to a size 12.

I've had lots of up's and down's. Diets - you name it I've tried it. From Weight Watchers, to Thin and Healthy and no carb.. I'm done with them. I am no longer on a diet... I refuse!!

However, I will commit eating healthy. I will plan my meals... meals that are nutritious with tons of fresh veggies and moderate fruits. I will make sure that I eat in moderation.. enjoy the foods we love in moderation when the time is right. So if I want to eat McDonald's fries... I likely wont... but if once a month I decide to have a small fries.. I'm sure going to enjoy it!! WHY??? Because I'm eating well.. and once in awhile.. we need to have treats!

My goals:

- menu plan - which will include protein based breakfasts and lunches with lots of fresh veggies. Suppers that my family will enjoy that are full of nutrition and some things we enjoy i.e. pasta... potatoes.. once in a while I'll enjoy it without substitution.
- fitness plan - planning my week out - 3 runs a week - 2 gym work outs
- burn the fat.. I am going to eat properly.. work out hard and work at losing 50 lbs. This should bring me to my size 12!! Working towards this for May 2013
- RUN a 10 km program by May 2013.

I believe that with having the support of my family who will allow me time to menu plan, grocery shop and prep our foods. I also believe that with having a trainer who is there to answer my questions, tweak my plans when I am not seeing progress... I  will not fail!

Hope your having a very motivating day as well!!

Monday, September 10, 2012

The 20 minutes we ALL dread...

I completed the 10 minute straight running sets.. after the 8 minutes I thought " Oh my.. there is NO way I can do this!" And I was right.. the first go.. I mentally beat myself up so bad I couldn't do it.....

So I changed my way of thinking.. and it goes something like this

" This is hard.. its not a short period of time.. and you haven't done this in YEARS... BUT YOU WILL DO THIS! YOU will NOT WALK and YOU WILL COMPLETE the 10 minutes"

I did.. just like that.. I just did it..

The next run I really freaked about.. 15 minutes straight.. holy crap.. but I pumped it out .. made it through!

Remember when ( if your a runner) you started and running the 2 minutes 5 times in a session was almost tear jerking... I do.. but the 15 minutes.. was way easier then that time.. It's insane the progress your body can go through within weeks!

Sunday Morning... 11 am.. Breakfast: Two chocolate chip homemade waffles  and a cup of coffee

Gear : Lululemon still capris- Under Armour Tank - Sock- and the best undies on earth!! - Mizuno Wave shoes and a Tech Zip up jacket.

I set out for my 5 minute warm up along a busy street.. taking in some water to get rid of the dryness ( I need to consume more water!!)

*DING* " start running now" chimes into my ears through my headphones... So I do.. and I run.. I keep telling myself  " yes this is hard but you will complete it.. you cannot stop" 10 minutes into it.. The sun is so hot I take off my jacket and slip it through my water belt.

I check my phone.. 8:49 minutes to go. BAM! I can do this! I reach the half way mark the headphones state but I figure lets just keep going this way for a little longer. I decide to turn it around and OH WOW theres a slight breeze.. man that feels great!

And I go.. and I go.. I check my phone one last time.. 1:39 minutes left... I put on my POWERSONG ( Warriors Call - Volbeat) and I bust through  my 1:39

20 minutes straight running and I KICKED IT'S ASS! I completed it strong.. and didn't let myself quit...

Off to meet a trainer this afternoon.. need to tailor my diet get some weight training in and get rid of the excess... I am going to run a 10 km race next summer so I better get my move on!!

Cheers! I hope all of you had a successful bit of weekend!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

New House! Painting, Decorating and the whole she bang!

We currently purchased a home in Regina! This is quite exciting for us as we moved away 5 years ago and always desired to come back . I have been back since May 2011 living between here and our other home, then in November we got a townhouse in Regina so I wouldn't have to travel in the winter. In March, Hubby finally moved down as well. So since March we have lived in a small overcrowded 3 bedroom townhouse. We purchased a home here in Regina with 3 bedrooms, 2.5 baths and TONS of room! We are quite excited about it!

I am finally in a position where I can decorate how I want to! I have the space, funds and time to!

I took the main level and decided I wanted sheek, modern and warm! So pictured here you can see the colours I went with. Anonymous ( grey) on most of the walls, Cream in the hallway , door frames and some of the kitchen and Stealth Jet ( black) feature wall in the main living room.

I'm pretty in love with this! We will be adding a white hutch bar to the feature wall with a large mirror, black leather furniture and to brighten it up.. touches of this gorgeous purple. ( As seen in the next picture with the curtains!)
I have some gorgeous throw pillows and a vase to match this! It will go great with the white and black furniture!

The only issue I had was my dining set was browns and blacks.. I figured this would look rather odd with the blacks and whites in the connecting room. However, once I got the table into the dining area.... It looks really nice! Nice warm feelings!

Our twins have NEVER had a separate room, so we decided this is the time! They can have some space and time to themselves. Ainsley's room was GREEN and I mean so bright you needed sunglasses to sleep. Hydie's thankfully was a nice pink and she was very pleased with this!

I painted Ainsley's room a Pure Orchid ( purple colour) that seemed to match everything I have already for her!
( the picture wont rotate for me for some reason)
I will post pictures of the completed decorated rooms next week!

I have never had a gorgeous master bedroom, where I felt I could relax and unwind... So I decided I would create one! I found a wallpaper I LOVED in a show home we looked at..Wallpapering isn't the highest priority of things on my Bucket List but this stuff was SO gorgeous I had to have it! So I got it .. all the props and such that goes with it.. and here it is!! Thanks to my lovely hubby who assisted and didn't kill me!

LOVE IT!! SupreFresco Easy wallpaper it was pretty easy! It had a lot of places to match up but relatively worked out well!

Our bedroom and living room furniture will be here Thursday! So stay tuned! I will post pictures of completed rooms!

Off to work.. Need to get into my runs again tonight!


Monday, August 27, 2012


I finished my First EVER 5 km run/walk race.. barely.. but FINISHED!!

It was rather cool that morning so I went with shorts, tank top and a running jacket for clothing to be prepared! I got to the race at 930 am to get started for the day... jacket on.. race bib on ( 1822 was my lucky number) I wandered around.. got a little warm and then sat down to stretch a bit...

1006 am comes and we haven't started running yet.. I get very anxious when people are not on time.. I mean the race starts at 10 am.. why have we not started anything yet?!

1015 am - BANG! Off we go.. OK .. so note to self.. don't try to blend in with the pack.. you have to push through those people to get through to start running.. oopps.. didn't think of that.

I start to run after walking 2 minutes to warm up and INSTANTLY.. my shins are killing me and my calves are tight as can be! So I slow it down.. I really found it awkward to push through and pass people.. Are people really this ignorant? They have signed up for a Run/Walk event do they not have any idea to stay to the right so the faster people can pass.. Apparently not!

So I decide after a few minutes of running Ill take a quick stop and stretch out my legs.. OH MY GOD are they sore!!

I keep at it.. running for the first good kilometre and a half of the race.. I come to the north side of the lake and HOLY is it hot!! So here I am trying to walk my butt off as fast as I can so I can take my jacket off and put it in its little bag.. ugh what a pain!!
Now I have my water belt.. and my jacket belt.. the West side of the lake is so windy you can barely stand up.. So I just walked most of the west side and then ran my butt through the parking lot to get to the south side of the race.

I found it challenging to keep running so got into a really fast pace walk mode.. I surprisingly wasn't as defeated as I thought. There was absolutely NOTHING I could do with that wind. So why beat myself up over it!

I get to the 4.5 km mark and I texted my DH to tell him I am starting to run in. I promised myself I would run across that finish line NO MATTER WHAT! I get up the hill and around this little bend and I look over to the event area and what do I see....My little girls are running towards me cheering me on! Oh my .. What an amazing feeling! I instantly start tearing up! I grab the girls hands and we start running together to the finish!! We get about 50 feet away and people are clapping and cheering. Ainsley is right in her glory  ( pictured here )

Hydie however.. Saw the young man at the finish line who was so enthusiastic and cheering.. and ducked out before we hit the finish it was to much pressure for her!!

I got to the finish line 5 seconds after Ainsley.. and I looked at the clock.... 51:24.... I beat my personal best of my first 5 km attempt... by close to 3 minutes....

I was carrying way to much stuff... Was constantly out of sorts.. BUT I FINISHED a 5 km run / walk race.. at a pace of 10:11min/km.


Thursday, August 23, 2012

Two days till the RACE!

Well.. I signed up for a earlier race than I was going to be prepared for. I knew that if I waited till the September 29th race I would be completely finished and had ran a few 5 kms prior......

But I decided why not push myself into a race that I likely wont be ready for. So I did.. Get Active 4 Autism.. Its a fun run and all proceeds go into the Regina Autism Resource Centre. I have been very blessed with two healthy twin girls and feel that if I can assist with any family that may need such a resource centre, I can do that! 

However.. I still have to run the 5 kilometres.. I'm at Week 6 Day 1 in my run program. So 3 full running weeks away from running a full 5 km with no stops. At this point I cant see myself even running 20 minutes - 30 minutes straight. I found the 8 minute stretch tough.. I went out last week to do my W6D1 run (two 10 minute runs) and HOLY CRAP! That's tough! So definitely got defeated instantly! I figured that I had better figure out how I was going to have to figure out what running a full 5 km's was like.

Sunday night .. I arose to this challenge.. I got a new running app for distance Nike + Running. It has a GPS that allows to track my run and provide me distances. I found the Nike+ with the foot sensor was constantly inaccurate. One run was shorter then the same distanced run next time. Which was really quite annoying for someone who is looking at increasing your distance.
Ok so now I'm ready.. Water bottle with Nuun electrolyte tablet and my Iphone apps ready! Here I go... I'm on my 5 minute warm up.. then 8 minute run.. 3 minute walk and so on till I complete my 5 km..

Half way into kilometre #2 running into the wind.. I lost my motivation. I fell apart. I couldn't keep a positive thought in my mind. I changed up my 8/3s to 8/3 5/2 to then just screw it I'm walking home! But I powered through and just ran and walked off and no no real structure. I made it to the furthest point then I had EVER made it.. and looked at where I was and thought HOW DID I GET HERE!??!

I turned around.. and thought ok only 2.5 kms left.. you can do this.. you have to get home somehow! So I did.. I just ran till I couldn't.. then walked.. then ran then walked.. I got to kilometre 4 and thought I have to finish this strong.. So I ran it.. stopped once walked 100 ft and started again and FINISHED!

I finished 5 km.. AND in 2 minutes better time then Nike + said I would.. Yea.. I kick its ass!!

I went on a 1 km run the other day.. completed it in 10 minutes.. hoped for 9 but I had a kid with me and well I could have set myself up for better time but I finished it!

Saturday is the Get Active 4 Autism run. Ill finish.. no matter what I'm going to finish and I hope in 50 minutes instead of 52... I've raised $200.00 as of today for their cause and CANNOT wait for my first EVER race tshirt!!!

Check back to see how I did!!


Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Chaotic Chaos of Moving!


I am back into life after taking a week off for holidays with my family. It was hectic and I'm not sure where the "relax" part of the holiday was but I don't think we found it. However, we came home over shopped, over tired and the girls were overly thrilled about all their adventures ( zoo, amusement park , new clothes shopping for pre K ) so it was Successful!

I have noticed that life is chaotic when your waiting for a big transition to occur.. in our instance.. we purchased a home. Waiting for possession has turned my whole world upside down! My 800 sq foot townhouse is busting at the seams.. Its not that I am a hoarder but I don't have a proper utility closet.. nor a cupboard for paper work and calendars etc.. So you find other ways to store them.. and things just over flow it seems! Even buying more then two cans of mushrooms is a hassle because where am I going to store them in the 5 cupboards I have?!

So the skinny on this is..Ive misplaced things... and am frustrated and have left the house this morning with my sectional in pieces all over the living room. The girls are feeling the effect of the insane chaos of a small house.. too many people in a small space and are at one another throat...

Getting these two in the car this morning was an Olympic event which Mommy lost.. I knew I lost when a Regina City Police Constable called to tell me he found my purse... Uhh my purse ( which I had left in Indian Head on Saturday in a restaurant while dealing with OVER tired children :S) I didn't realize my purse was missing.....

He found it on the street.. I apparently had left it on the roof of my car!

I admit defeat.. my whole house is in a chaotic state.. The only time I feel calm and functional is when I am running. I guess that tells you where my heart lies at the moment.. The serenity of a running trail.

Wish me luck that I don't leave my kids on the roof of the car next...

Possession : August 31st - 17 days from now.. SERENITY NOW!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Progress!! I'm a RUNNER!

Today is my LAST run of Week 5!!

I only have 3 weeks left of this program to complete!! I have never done a 5 km program.. in fact when I ran in University.. I just started to run.. then jumped into a 10km program. This is a big accomplishment for me to get this far!!

I have started a 5km program I'd say like 5 times since 2007... and I am (Insert hand gesture where two fingers are about an inch apart HERE) close to being COMPLETE!!

This program changed my world... I now plan my world around my runs... Sunday - Wednesdays and Fridays I run.. If something in my world comes up and I cant.. I reschedule my run and my hubby keeps me accountable to complete it!!

I suggest anyone looking to get back into fitness try this run! I don't expect to be a marathoner.. but I do want to move into being a runner fully. I hope to find my niche with my eating ( which has taken the weigh side in this heat because who wants to cook) and getting to the gym two times a week as well.


Complete 5 km Program
Run Active for Autism - August 25th
START 10 KM Program
Hit gym once a week for weight training at least

Goals for September

Continue to train for a 10 km program ( which should increase my 5 km time)
Run Regina Road Race September 29th
Continue to get to the gym weekly for weight training
Tailor eating plan

Its not as hard as I thought. But takes commitment and desire.... but the little success such as running for 8 minutes straight for the first time in 7 years is what keeps you going!!

Good luck! Enjoy your summer!

Monday, July 23, 2012

My baby's a runner!!

Finally the humidity has dissipated! I however was hung over yesterday like no other day I can remember ( in the last 5 years anyways), hubby and I attended a friends BBQ and a pitcher of sangria just happened to disappear. Oh the headaches!

So Sunday I had planned to do all this exciting stuff... well I just rested and we all just relaxed for the day. How much better can life really get on a Sunday ( unless of course I hadn't be hung over)

My one daughter, Hydie has decided she no longer wants to bike ride. I however cannot imagine what being a child without a bike would be like, so I figured I had to do something to get this lil girls back on her bike. We got on the bike.. and I noticed she's very anxious.. so I held my hand on hers while she biked.. This seemed to help. Every time I took it off... she freaked out. We get moving and she's biking excellent but very anxious.. so this mommy gets creative.. and we give her bike a name. TANGO! So we are biking and cheering on Hydie and Tango, life's great! Get to the park make it home.. and she's tickled pink her and Tango did so well.

Later in the day I decide its time to get my rear end out and do my LAST run of the Week 4 of my Couch 2 5 km program. I have been stuck on this week for 2 weeks so enough is enough.  I get all dressed.. shoes on and Hydie has decided she wants to run with me! Well I have had bad experiences with my 3.5 year olds trying to run with me.. they don't have any patience nor attention spans! But I figured what the heck.. lets do it!

So Hydie gets on her runners, with her watermelon socks and wants two ponies just like her mommy. ( Oh so sweet!) We get on the trail.. do our 5 minutes of walking with some crazy arm swings for warming up.. a little cheering and some quacking. We start our run... and 1.5 minutes into my 3 minute set Hydie needs water... and to hold my so I jog in spot and we get this going.. We made it through 2 full sets ( 8 minutes of running in total and about 1 km or so ) before she had had it. I paused my workout and sat on the bench till Daddy came. Hydie was SO proud of herself.. and so was her mommy!

Ainsley continued with me for another bit till I ran her back to the park and continued my training. It was a great run.. Hydie was thoroughly proud of herself and barely could walk the rest of the way home she was so tired. But she wants to run again...

My baby's a runner... And this Mommy couldn't be prouder!!

Friday, July 20, 2012

Tragic ending to precious life...

I rarely blog about my professional life.. reason being that I run a Reintegration program that works with high risk offenders with sexual designation. That's a hard thing for a mom to say.. but I do it because I don't want any more victims. I work with these ( usually men) men who are aware of their past, their victims and realizations they never want to hurt another human again. I do have statistics showing that only 23% of sex offenders will reofffend, and I attribute this to the fact they are often the inmates that receive the most lengthy sentences and are pumped through numerous programs. ( please feel free to contact me if you want more discussion on this.. I'm very open to discussing this topic and respectful of peoples views of it as well)

So as a mom and professional , the news on the Aurora shootings of last night has peaked my interest. I am very saddened to hear that so far 12 lives were lost and there is 31 victims, including a 3 month old baby. As a mom, if I had been able to take my baby to a late night movie I would have. Being a mom and stuck at home all the time isn't glorious and not always can we find sitters for youngens. So there is no reason for people to want justification for why this young baby was in the theatre. However, as a mom.... my heart is broken for this family whose baby is fighting for its life. Who thinks going to a movie theatre at midnight would end up in such a horrific end.
I was also sadden to hear the story of Jessica Redfield, a young lady who also was at the movie and lost her life. From my understanding, she was a sports anchor and very involved in the hockey world. I see on twitter she tweeted that the movie was to start in only minutes... Little did she know this would be her last tweet.
Jessica was also a blogger... This is her last entry. She discussed how she barely missed being a victim of the Eaton Centre shootings in Toronto. She seemed to value her life and be thankful she walked out of the food court within seconds of the shooter... Little did she know a month or so later she would lose her life to such violence.

As a professional, I am very aware of VICARIOUS trauma. This is trauma that the public and/or professionals feel and suffer from after being privy to such violent events. I personally suffer from this at times after reading a clients file, the descriptions of their crimes often makes me feel sick to my stomach and I have to take time to take care of myself ( i.e. family time, running etc) to be able to deal with it. I think that the media brings this trauma to the public as well. With the wide discussion of these shootings you see mass discussions on social media sights.. people are sickened.. saddened and very upset. Unfortunately, media will always report on the latest and will always make things worse then what really is. However, with this event.. It couldn't get much worse.

I have attached a link to some material on Vicarious Trauma. It discusses what this trauma is and how people can work through it.

Prayers and thoughts go out to all of the victims and their families in Colorado.. Hug your loved ones extra today. You never know what a day brings.

Thursday, July 19, 2012


Holy cripes! This humidity is starting to wear me out! I have no energy.. so I'm indulging in carbs.. and of course not the best ones but not over doing it so I guess that's fair. ( gotta justify it some how I guess)
I'm struggling to get through my week 4 run program.. I don't find running for 5 minutes straight hard.. I find it exhausting when the humidity surrounds me and I seriously feel like I'm being weighted down by it. I have full faith I can get through this week.. Just wish the humidity would let up so I could train!

When I train.. I feel great.. I eat fantastic.. When I don't train... I eat like crap and am exhausted...

Can someone please call Mother Nature for me and give her the what for?!

Anyone have any recommendations in how to train in this humidity?!

Monday, July 16, 2012

Family vs Relatives

We had a family reunion this weekend.. My fathers side which is huge. There was 13 children in his Dad's family so close to 500 people are invited to this thing. However, we have all grown up and changed our beliefs in what family is. Life is very busy for most of us, and driving any distance on a summer weekend ( when there is so little of them) is usually not a priority. The only reason we made it was because it was close to my parents farm and my parents had my kids... so sucked in!

The last few years have proven to show what family is.. the definition definitely does not include "those who you have blood ties too" as often as my fathers generation feels it should. I have 30+ first cousins.. and I don't have ANY one of theirs addresses nor phone numbers. I do however have some close ties to people in my life who are by chance 2nd cousins, and friends who my kids acknowledge as Aunt and Uncles. The reason they do.. these people know where I live.. what I do and what we enjoy in life. These are the people that when your world is spiralling out of control are there on the phone at 6 am , in their car to drive 5 hours to pack your stuff or beat the person that's upset you. You know.. the people that would literally do ANYTHING in the world for you.. These people.. are FAMILY. I will argue this till the day that I die!

We chose with the short amount of summer weekends we have not to go to a wedding last weekend of a cousin who lives 4 blocks from me yet for a whole year we have never seen him, don't know where he works nor have his phone number. So of course my dad's so called close family of 40+ people ( none which have my contact info nor call to see if I'm alive) were really upset over this. So all in all my mom said that she wasn't my boss and I was 30 years old and could make my own decision...
Family reunion comes.. and I had to hold my own.. with people who have NO idea what I even do for a living.. So I did.. I gave them straight up answers....

" We chose to do something else as a family because do not have alot of free time in the summer and it didn't work out" When all I wanted to do was scream  " who are you to obligate me to a wedding for someone I don't know.. who has no idea who I am what I do nor where I live" But.. we don't talk to family like that right ......

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Still here!


My lil ones are at Nana and Papa's this week so hubby and I are flying solo! This sounds glorious and has been mostly.. His work has been nutty so best he works more when the kids are gone then leaving me to pull my hair out when they are home HA!

My training has slowed down because of the heat we are facing in Saskatchewan along with a stomach bug I picked up! I am just missing one run this week but maybe can pull two run days off in a row yet.. I will see!
I am on Week 4 Day 2 tomorrow, meaning max runs of 5 minute straight. As daunting as this is, I found my 4 minute runs easier then my 1 minute runs! I believe this is success at its finest! I also have done ONE ( Im proud to get ONE cross training work out in a week at this point) Nike Training Club work out in at the gym this week too. Yesterday in fact I burnt over 750 + calories with a 4.2 km fast walk with girl friends and then a hit up at the gym.

The success of the week is .... wait for it.... FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER... Getting into a minimal stretch cotton pair of SHORTS in a size 16!! I have NEVER gotten summer clothes smaller then a 36 " waist or a size 18! To bad I wasn't feeling well that day and couldnt celebrate!

My Challenge ..... Removing the priority of using a scale.. Once upon a time 35 lbs lighter.. I was a size 18.. now.. 35 lbs heavier.. I'm size 16... But for some reason I place huge value on what the scale tells me.. This is bothering to me... Anyone else have issues?

Hope all is well out there in the blogging world! Take care!

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Running in a whirlwind!

Hello! Im back!

Its been a very busy week and a bit for myself. However, I have only put one run aside and will complete it today since it is no longer so windy theres roofs blowing off building!

Being a professional includes travel, which is fairly fun at times! I love my family however this is a great little chance to rebuild my energy. My DH and I celebrated our 5 year anniversary at the Moose Jaw Temple Garden Spa. ( It was a great relaxing weekend, we drank wine, ate good food, relaxed in and out of the pool. I came home feeling like a puddle of goo!! SUCCESS!!

I made my run Sunday night and packed my workout gear for a hotel workout on Monday. Everything went well on my trip till Tuesday evening. Vast thunderstorms and tornado warnings had the province up in arms. I was unable to get ahold of my destination hotel, and the world wide customer service said all was well.. I drove 131 kms to find out the whole city of 60,000 people were out of power and likely would for at least another 24 hours. So to get back to Regina from here is at minimum 3.5 hours.... 1.5 hours longer then I would have had to drive if someone would have had their information correct when I called....

So I drive.. and HIT the storm.. its pouring rain cannot see the road... and theres NO sign of it letting up any time soon. I had no cell service.. could send a few texts and that was challenge.... 5 hours later I made it home.....I think I`ll stay home for a while now!